LACTAGEST: Mineral complementary feed recommended in the dry off phase of dairy cows.
G-GEST: Mineral complementary feed for dairy cows in the dry off phase, with mineral and vitamin supplementation.
LACTADAIRY 300: Mineral complementary feed for dairy cows that meets the vitamin and trace element needs of dairy cows, useful to express the highest productivity capacities of the animals.
MYCRO DAIRY: Mineral complementary feed for dairy cows with selected yeasts and appropriate vitamin/trace elements ratio.
MYCROPHOS: Mineral complementary feed for dairy cows, formulated with adequate Ca/P ratio. Its use is suitable with both traditional diets and diets with a high content of leguminous plants.
G-UNIFEED: Mineral complementary feed for dairy cows that meets the needs of high production animals.
MYCRO PAN VACCHE: Mineral complementary feed for dairy cows, with a vitamin profile ideal for high production animals, providing a high content of vitamins.
MYCROLIPOS: Mineral complementary feed for dairy cows, that provides fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, ideal to meet the needs of high production animals.
CALCIO START: Liquid mineral complementary feed with calcium, to be used in hypocalcaemia.
ACIDCONTROL: Mineral feed containing acid-based additives, to control fermentations.
ACTIV YEAST: Mineral feed, containing acid-based additives and yeast, to improve the functional capacities of rumen and intestine.
MYCRO PROT: Complementary feed for cattle, with a high content of by-pass protein.
MYCROSAN: Complementary feed for dairy cows containing essential oils with anti-stress and immuno-stimulating actions.
MYCROTOX: Mineral feed, able to sequester the mycotoxins present in the cereal feeds and forages of the diet.
BLOKER: Mineral feed with buffer capacity, to correct acidosis of food origin and metabolic disorders.
LEVIFEED: Complementary feed, with live yeasts, it improves the functions of the digestive system.
LEVISPRINT: Complementary feed with selected yeasts, it exerts a strong activity at ruminal and gastrointestinal level, keeping the pH balanced.
GRAN CONFORT: Sanitizing powder with a high absorbent capacity, for the treatment of all types of litter.
SILOSAL: Liquid premixture of additives, to be used for the control of silage fermentation.
ACTIVE SILAGE L: Liquid premixture of additives, to be used to improve the conservation of forages and silages.
FYTHODIP: Post-dipping gel with protective action to be used after milking.
- Dairy cows
- Cattle for fattening
- Weaning